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DIY coulombmeter

Useful for testing unknown batteries, or as an external pack monitor

Bill of materials:

Putting it together

Unpack and connect XL7015 module input side to CC limited power supply, set to 12V. Be careful, it's very easy to destroy it.
Then, connect your voltmeter on the output, and adjust potentiometer for 5V output.


Once set, hotglue it onto the display unit as shown. Wire it up following the wiring diagram below, or the supplementary photo.


Preparing the enclosure

Cut a 45x16mm rectangle hole into the front lid (using a dremel cutter and chisel for example), then slide in the assembly until it clicks together.

cloud.scooterhacking.org_tidings_wiki_diy_coulombmeter_coulomb_lid2.jpg cloud.scooterhacking.org_tidings_wiki_diy_coulombmeter_coulomb_liddisplay.jpg

diy-coulombmeter.1619427099.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/01/15 01:33 (external edit)